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Replacing a single tooth

The implant assumes the functions of the tooth root and transfers mastication forces from the crown to the jawbone. This creates a natural pressure on the bone thereby stimulating its vital activity and minimizing the possibility of bone atrophy.

The dental implant replaces the missing tooth root and acts as a supports for the crown. Single tooth implant restoration eliminates the need to grind and damage adjacent teeth and therefore preserves their integrity and health.

Illustration #1.The position of the implant with the crown

in the jaw one between adjacent teeth

The replaced tooth does not only function naturally, it also looks naturally, being undistinguishable from the neighboring teeth. The implant, the gums and the crown blend harmoniously together so that the implant supported tooth looks like your own tooth and feels like your own tooth.

Illustration #2. Patient’s affected tooth before implantation procedure (left),

implantation procedure and dental placement (center),

the new prosthetic tooth after implantation (right)

Replacing a single tooth
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