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The Respect Implant is a titanium self-drilling and self-tapping tapered titanium screw implant with an internal hexagon index 2.1mmd 2.43mmd. The coronal portion of the implant has, regardless of the diameter of the implant, the shape of an inverted cone, and having the diameter of 3.0 mm or 3.8 mmd. This reduction of the diameter of the coronal portion increases the bone growth and Osseo integration around its upper part and counteracts an undesired alveolar bone loss. This special design of the coronal part encourages the Connecting tissue growth around the implant neck region.

The Progressive change of its unique carvings and micro thread variability offers an excellent initial fixation of the implant and prevents undesired bone loss around him.

The design of the internal hexagon index 2.1mmd & 2.43mmd allows a 4-dimensional support of the abutments and acts as a rotation lock.

It is used in all types of bone. Recommended in bone-type D-3.4

Implantation areas/ Indications - all parts of the maxilla and mandible

The Respect Implant offers an exceptional solution for immediate placement and immediate loading.


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