Beautiful and healthy teeth contribute to our success in
What is a dental implant?
A dental implant is a small screw like metal post made of medical titanium and acting as
When can dental implants be used?
All the diseases of the mouth cavity and of the human body as a whole can result in tooth loss.
What are the benefits of dental implants?
Dental implants are a durable and aesthetic solution for restoration of missin
The best solution for replacing missing tee.
The implant assumes the functions of the tooth root a..ads...
For whom are dental implants suitable?
Dental implants are suitable for all age groups....................................
Are dental implants safe?
The results of 40 years of independent surveys speak for themselves
Is it possible to make implant tooth restoration in one...
Depending on your clinical
What are the costs of implantation and placement of implant supported dentures?
The costs vary depending o
Did you know that ...
The lifespan of dental implants is no less than 10 years. If their loading has been well calculated, the “wear and tear” of the implants during this time will